Forums / In game politics / VAlhalla AGE 3

VAlhalla AGE 3
07:40:40 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Grael:

Looks like Dragon Kin is winning in the short term, but the Knights of Iscariot are a close second. And could very easily take the lead.

17:10:44 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Endoscopic:

its gonna be interesting :P

21:21:31 Dec 3rd 10 - Guildmaster Eatmyshorts:

Mr Grael, u r way too arrogant!!. War on u and yur evil, arrogant empire!!


21:47:19 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Endoscopic:

the Guildmaster is my new idol!!!!



22:03:35 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Mime:

don't discredit pokemon factories superior pokemon farming skillz.. by tomorrow i shall have 9 magic :) 

where is the spam archmage button??

22:24:47 Dec 3rd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:

I think you confuse arrogance with honesty.  And spit at those who offer friendship.

It is Whoknows that is being arrogant.

22:28:27 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Grael:

14:24:47 Dec 3rd 10 - Junior Guildmaster Dragon:
I think you confuse arrogance with honesty.  And spit at those who offer friendship.

It is Whoknows that is being arrogant.

that should have been from me............ sorry

21:39:37 Dec 4th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Smoochum shall make you all love her with her cuddliness ;) and then chop of your heads with an axe! giggletigiggle :D

06:02:15 Dec 6th 10 - Konig Wiggy:

lol tyr your hilarious

but i dont think smoochum has an axe, she puts sleep with kisses and stuff.. aha

11:48:27 Dec 6th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Exactly, first she puts everyone to sleep, and then starts executing them :D makes it so much easier when people donīt try to run away eh?

19:36:45 Dec 6th 10 - Prince Mithras of Arunun:

pfft, All dragon kin have done is half-kill a 2 man kingdom (gatekeepers) and farmed, they NAPPed the other 2 man kingdom near them because (and I quote) they didn't want a war on two fronts....with 4v10....:P

Still, gatekeepers will be back with a vengeance yet ^_^ thanks to my elite farming skills...

20:54:48 Dec 6th 10 - Mr. Beeba:

lol i have no words for it.

Well it looks like they have no attacks launched upon Whoknows anymore. Are they CF'ed?

15:08:40 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Endoscopic:

yeah - we napped everyone, and we decided to farm  - war is so 20th century 

19:27:32 Dec 7th 10 - Prince Mithras of Arunun:

wouldn't be surprised if Dragon Kin have :P

02:41:42 Dec 9th 10 - Mr. Grael:

Dragon Kin have not nap'd everyone...........   lol

we are warring almost everyone. 

and maybe I was a bit arrogant. I picked a fight with Knights that we were not ready for yet and now we are losing ground due to the reason we Napped two man kingdom when fighting gatekeepers...... inactivity.  Only 3 of us are active.  (but that is an internal issue)

10:25:02 Dec 9th 10 - Ms. Michelle:

Oh I now see 6 dragons on the map, nice casting :)

Why is Little Elf now KDless?

23:41:22 Dec 9th 10 - Mr. Grael:

Because he turned traitor and left the KD.

We believe that he cast the dragons on his own KD.

01:48:35 Dec 10th 10 - Mr. Little Elf:

If I had wanted to kill Dragon Kin, Fafnir, you would have been presented with the restart screen when you logged on, not the Valhalla map.

Feel free to go back to being clueless and useless in regards to this game.

01:56:53 Dec 10th 10 - Mr. Grael:

What am I missing then....... you left the KD and cast dragons    6 of them on your old KD mates

05:55:44 Dec 10th 10 - Mr. Grael:

And I no longer go by the name of Fafnir.

13:25:12 Dec 10th 10 - Mr. Lil Wayne Lol:

As gimli would have said," NEVER TRUST AN ELF!!!!"

20:59:09 Dec 10th 10 - Mr. Endoscopic:


16:09:29 Dec 12th 10 - Mr. Julius Caesar:

Look at all them dragons...

11:37:53 Dec 15th 10 - Mr. Dexter The Serial Killer:

And now plague as well.

Can anyone cast Arma yet?

15:13:10 Dec 15th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Mime tried a couple of times. But the dragons, plague and knights attacking make it hard to mass the MUs and MTs needed for it...

We are both leaving this world, we see no reason to remain with all the shit we have to endure.

17:12:49 Dec 15th 10 - Mr. Endoscopic:

u give up 2 easily mate - with the dragons and plague its more interesting :D looks like the "never ending world of Vallhala" now :D lol

13:59:48 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Beeba:

It will be very tough to kill all those big dragons.

16:16:24 Dec 16th 10 - Ms. Michelle:

One of the small ones is power of 200k level 2s... Means the ones larger must be power of 500k level 2s...


16:17:42 Dec 16th 10 - Mr. Beeba:

I've got a pretty small one on my city with 88k hammers :p now i am really curious how much those big ones are.

16:25:38 Dec 16th 10 - Ms. Smoochum:

"u give up 2 easily mate"

best joke ever XD I am known for not giving up easily, I am usually last to fall when fighting other kds. But I have been dealing with the drags for quit a while now, over a week in rl days at least. And since they ruined my eco to point were I couldnīt hold you off, and theres also plague around, I see no reason to waste my time lol :P

Normally I would have let you have my cities, but I do not think you deserve them, since its really the dragons that did all the work.

12:16:50 Dec 17th 10 - Mr. Endoscopic:

Well i am extremely glad that i made you laugh :) And one more thing mate - i know you from before, and i know that you have given up easily on at least two occasions :) But there is a saying that goes "The gipsy - woman that used to praise you, died long ago!" so no need to show me how big you are :P

And as far as the dragons - i went to a stage where i had -437k income, and i still did not give up - so i guess if you have never given up, and i am better than you, that makes me what?

15:08:35 Dec 17th 10 - Ms. Smoochum:

Then please tell me what my usual name is :) I would really like to know what occasions those were lol. I have no need to show how big I am, because I donīt care what you or others outside my kd think, as long as I know I have done the best I can for my kd.

And as I said, this is only a pathetic world for us, we only came here to mess around. We donīt need to do our best, or prove anything to anyone here, we have already done that eras ago on the worlds that really matter in VU.

So what if you had -437k income, it was caused by a dragon that wasnīt even cast by a player/kd hostile to you. To me giving up means that you surrender because a hostile kd beats you in a straight up fight, this is not the case on this world for me.
If I use my definition of giving up, then I have never given up, even tho I never claimed that in my earlier post. If a hostile kd/player beats me in a straight up fight, then I will stay until I die.

But, as it happened on this world, I might once before have left in the past if the same kind of bs took place. Tho I have to say I do not remember any other such event.

I wouldnīt start talking about being better than someone else when the circumstances of you and the supposedly lesser player are completely different.

17:32:12 Dec 20th 10 - Ms. Michelle:

I was hoping to fight that big mouth Tyrgalon this era, but looks like he's good only at talking...

Anyways was a nice era, thank you all for the fun :)

11:39:50 Dec 21st 10 - Ms. Smoochum:

Lol hard to fight with allies kd mages casting dragons and pleague, try it, its "fun" ;) if you wanna fight me when I do my best, you should play on the same world as my main account. Tho I am definetly starting to loose my will to play VU tbh -.-

18:49:47 Dec 26th 10 - Ms. Michelle:

Valhalla is over, good job everyone

20:22:43 Dec 26th 10 - Ms. Smoochum:

Except dragons XD

21:23:28 Dec 26th 10 - Mr. Beeba:

Only 3 dragons survived this era. I've killed most of them ;)

05:35:57 Dec 28th 10 - Mr. Roq:

Can someone on this map plz put my name in the leader spot so i can start a kingdom, thanks...

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